Steel that builds the future

Steel is a fundamental part of building a better world, and inline with our vision and mission, we will continue to strive together with our partners.

Steel is a fundamental part of building better environment, and GP will continue to focus on delivering the best materials to our customers

Java 7 Coal Fired Power Plant
Pangkalan Susu Coal Fired Power Plant 2x200 MW
South Sumatera 8 Power Plant
DEPO Depok Construction
Business Park, Gorontalo
Belo Bridge
Yalingga Bridge
Jembatan Pelengkung A128M
Jatigede Hydro Power Plant 2x55 MW
South Sumatera-8 Coal Fired Power Plant 2x600 MW
South Sumatera-8 Coal Fired Power Plant 2x600 MW
Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Railway
Aek Silang II Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x5 MW
South Sumatera-8 Coal Fired Power Plant 2x600 MW
South Sumatera-8 Coal Fired Power Plant 2x600 MW